$297.00 USD

The Birth Prep Course

FINALLY... a Birth Prep Course that actually prepares you for birth

with lessons and resources SPECIFICALLY for 
• learning how to communicate effectively with your team (as the leader)

• aligning your mindset with your desired experience

• curating a “perfect for you” birth plan
• and MORE!

The birth of your dreams is yours for the taking.

The Birth Prep Course is not the same as your typical "birth prep class", in fact, it's everything I think it SHOULD be, but isn't. Those classes are lacking what's important to prepare yourself to achieve the goals you've set for your birth. I’m going to be equipping you with the knowledge and tools you need to set yourself up for your best chance of success, whatever “success” looks like to you. We’ll prepare your mind, body, and team to best support you and your plan on delivery day.